Ecoliteracy seminar

The concept of ecoliteracy relies on finding wholeness in place, and acknowledging our relational interdependence with the environment rather than viewing resource-based development as transactional. I took an Ecoliteracy Seminar Spring 2020, where we explored various foundational ideas of ecoliteracy (Gaia Theory, Indra’s net, Cosmopolitanism) to better understand how one might live contextually.


For the seminar, we were instructed to complete 5 assignments for a place special to us that would create its ecoliterate narrative. I chose Trivandrum, India, my father’s hometown and the city I lived in for 6 years. The assignments mapped a path from how I see the city in retrospect, to its bioregion and history of inhabitance, and were completed with a re-envisionment of an ecoliterate Trivandrum.